
6CD2041C-972C-4260-97EE-DDD352AB632D - Leah Toledano.jpeg

Early Sunday Morning and Iā€™m All Alone by leah toledano

punishment in disguise by alyssa jordan

Fabric loops pull your ears to listen. 
Forced smiles we part with strangers.
Expression will subdue this horror show.
Twirl with restrictions. Dance in your bedroom
As you did before. Your only partner now:
the masked devil on your back. 

Could a mandate be punishment?
For the vain, cloth which drapes the face.
The gluttonous, isolation that secludes.
The vindictive fabric that commandeers smirks.
We become as fictional as the gold 
which plates costume jewelry. 

We won't be attending any party.
Lay the cloak in the drawer,
Beside the lipstick and the blush.
Our penance deserves no masquerade. 
So let's stay inside. 
Repent for our shortcomings and hide.